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| :: Quick Response from Canada/USA Hartleyites
| The Appeal | Responses |
Dec. 2004
Hartley Reconstruction Appeal gets Quick Response from Canada/USA Hartleyites
Furniture for 10 classrooms @ Cdn $ 1230.00/room
Furniture etc. for Biology Lab. Cdn $ 1750.00
Furniture etc. for Chemistry Lab Cdn $ 600
Furniture etc. for Physics Lab Cdn $ 500.00
Computer room for Library - awaiting estimate
Renovation of old staff room - awaiting estimate
Adopt a classroom (you may do it in memory of your
loved ones). You can send either in Canadian dollars
or its equivalent American dollars to the Treasurer:
Mr. R. Rajeswaran
Treasurer, Hartley college PPA Canada/USA
725 Mississauuga
Ontario L5A 3X5
IN SRI LANKAN RUPEES (Rs 91 000.00 per class) to
the account of Hartley College Past Pupils Association
TRUST in Colombo to the account # 1480011320,
Commercial Bank, Union Place, Colombo.
Send an advice with your details to Treasurer
of the Trust:
Mr. Chella Pathmanathan,
Management consultant, CCF.Inc. Sri Lanka
E-219/8-3, NHDA Flats
Mohideen Masjeed Rd, Colombo 10
E- Mail : cpn7@sltnet.lk
Dr. Shan A. Shanmugavadivel - one classroom
Dr. K. Eswara - one classroom
Dr. J. C. P . Samuel - one classroom
Mr. Karu Chinniah - one classroom
Dr. A Somaskanda & Dr. A. Thangarooban - Biology Laboratory
Dr. Jothimalar Muhunthan - one classroom
Mr. V. Vijenthira - one classroom
Mr. M. Atputhanathan - Physics Laboratory.
We would appreciate every Hartleyite of HCPPA Canada/
USA to come forward with at least a minimum of Cdn $
100.00 contribution. Already Hartleyites are phoning
in to offer their contribution.
Besides the treasurer you can contact any of the other
four members of the subcommittee or any of the
committee members for more details. Other subcommittee
members are:
Mr. K. Rajaratnam, Vice President(convener)
Tel: 416 431 0987
Mr. N. Sivapalan Tel: 416 746 0307
Mr. M. Atputhanathan Tel: 416 439 7696
Dr. A. Shanmugavadivel Tel: 416 293 0966
We are overwhelmed by the responses. But we have some
more items to finance especially the construction and
equipping the computer room for the Library so that
even though there are not many reference books (
everything was burnt down to ashes) children can use
CDs/DVDs and internet to obtain the necessary information.
This project will cost more as a building is involved.
Other urgent need is to renovate the old staff room so
that teachers can have decent place to prepare their
lessons and rest. At present about 50 of them use a
small classroom with limited furniture .
Courtesy: Canadian Hartleyite - Dec. 2004
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