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| :: Ter Jubilee Messages
It gives me immense joy to respond to the request of the
indefatigable Secretary of the HARTLEY COLLEGE Past Pupils Association,
Mr. Chella Padmanathan, to write a message for the Souvenir to be published
in Commemoration of the Sesqui-centennial Celebrations of our dear Alma
Mater. A Souvenir is a tribute to the past. It is a symbol of gratitude
to those who had laboured untiringly to make the Institution great and
a memento honouring those who helped it to earn a name. Each succeeding
generation, Winston Churchill wrote, will sing with conviction the Harrow
Song There were wonderful giants of old. Perhaps this is so. However
those to whom these great men are but names, may be glad to gain their
acquaintance through the fond memories collected and retained by elders,
who had the fortune of basking in the personal care and warmth of those
giants. Every Hartleyite, young or old, is bound to have legitimate and
hoary memories lingering in his heart and anxious to share them with others.
As I inveigle my thoughts to saunter down memory's lane, I recall with
gratitude the tremendous influence my teachers of old wielded on me. I
am, what I am, because of them, and each generation stands on the Shoulders
of the one that preceded it. I cannot at this moment resist the temptation
to repeat what the late Dr. P. Rajasingham, Deputy director of the Sri
Lanka Health Services, the eldest brother of the present principal, wrote
for the Hartley College Miscellany in the Reminiscence's of his days at
Hartley; I shudder to think what would have happened to me had there been
no Hartley within walking distance of my home. I also wish to recall with
pleasure what the late Mudaliyar N. Velupillai first President of the revived
Hartley College Past Pupils Association said in the sixties publicly at
a get together of Old Pupils - that he would still be going about in
his double bullock cart collecting cow-ding from house to house for his
gardens at Athiady, if not for the education he was fortunate enough to
obtain at Hartley College. Through the corridors of time, Hartley with
its long and luminous history has been hailed the world over as a hallowed
place, It beckons us now to the new task of physically re-building it in
its ancient sacred premises, along the shores of Point Pedro, and hitching
our wagons to the stars. Let us work together in unison, each doing his
part joyously, to make Hartleys light shine in the 21st Century even more
resplendently - as the College song composed beautifully by the Rev. W.
D. Niles and ably translated by the Rev. M. A. Ratnarajah - both old boys
- goes.
W. N. S. SAMUEL, (Retired Principal of Hartley College)
10, Greenways Road,
Madras 600028, India.
94/4, Kirillapone Avenue
I joined Hartley College as a Hosteller in 1936 when I was barely 12 years
of age and, having completed my secondary education, left in 1943 a young
man full formative years of my life. Happy, because I was amongst those
whose friendship became abiding, formative because the impressions made
on my young mind during that period taught me that certain things are just
not done, and certain things mean more in life than what was temporarily
expedient. When I joined Hartley I knew very little English and no Tamil.
But I seem to have learnt English through Tamil so much so that some of
my close friends occasionally remark that my English has a distinctly Tamil
accent! Hartley was and emphasis on things scientific. Not only scholars
and public servants, but also many great teachers were produced at Hartley.,
and a teacher, particularly in the North, is a highly respected citizen
in the community. It was well known that in the North, not only do students
study, but also that teachers do teach, and both these necessarily complementary
sections of society approach their duties with remarkable enthusiasm and
dedication. I hope these qualities still prevail.
My first contact with Hartley
was when Mr. S. C. Rasaratnam passed through my village near Anuradhapura
on one of his elephant hunts. He got friendly with my father and suggested
that I be sent to Hartley and that he would be responsible for the new
boy from Anuradhapura. I recollect with gratitude Mr. C. P. Thamotheram,
the then Principal, and Mr. S. A. Rasaratnam, the Head Master and Warden
of the Hostel. They spared no pains to make me feel wanted and happy in
their midst. Mr. P. W. J. Muttiah, who taught me in the Matriculation form,
was also our cricket coach. Of those many teachers, I well remember, Mr.
K. Pooranampillai, who is fortunately still with us and most active in
the field of education. Of those, who were students with me, were the late
Mr. S. P. Nadaraja and Mr. W. N. S. Samuel, who retired recently having
been Principal of Hartley College. Hartley underwent terrible hardships
during the last few years during, which the College was almost razed to
the ground, so much so that the College had to function in strange surroundings
two miles away without a Library and without a Science Laboratory and without
many other such basic facilities. But, the spirit of this great Institution
survived and steps are already afoot to rebuild even bigger, on the old
foundations with renewed dedication.
Member of Parliament,
Anuradhapura District.
The publication of a Souvenir by or distinguished alumni
in Colombo to commemorate the Ter-Jubilee of our Alma mater fills us with
righteous pride and pleasure. It is indeed a timely, well deserved and
beautiful gesture. Hartley College has served both GOD and the community
very splendidly offering the wholesome education which Plato defined as
the first and fairest thing that the best of men can ever have. Her
Ter-Jubilee exhorts us to remember with gratitude the commitment of her
scholarly Founder as well as the dedication of her past Principals and
Teachers. They have elevated her to a prestigious position in the island
and given her fame a global dimension. Hartleyites - found in the top echelons
of all Disciplines and walks of life in both hemispheres - are proud that
their bounteous mother is growing majestically into her 151st year having
withstood Phoenix - like the sacrilegious assaults launched by genocidal
forces since 1983. Today Hartley stands not merely as an institution
a Kingdom of mathematical wisdom as an exuberant eulogist claims - but
also as a Resilient Tradition and an Indomitable Spirit destined to remain
strong and sound for milleniums. We of the present generation solemly affirm
that we shall enable and ennoble her to keep her tryst with this Destiny.
In this resolve of ours the Souvenir, displaying filial love and loyalty,
will remain an elegant and inspiring monument. We wish our PPA everlasting
success and eternal prosperity.
Principal, Hartley College,
The Methodist Church,
Sri Landa Methodist Headquarters,
252, Galle Road,
Kollupitiya, Colombo-3
Tel: 575707
Rev. Harold
A. Fernando B. D. (Seram) President 19th May 1989 It gives me great pleasure
to send the congratulations and good wishes of the Methodist Church, Sri
Lanka, on the occasion of the Ter-Jubilee of Hartley College and the Golden
Jubilee of the Past Pupils Association (Colombo Branch). With you, we
recall with thankful hearts the pioneering work of the early Methodist
Missionaries which led up to the foundation of Hartley College which has
stood the test of time. We would also thank God for the life and services
of past Principals and teachers who during this long period have given
of their best to mould the life and character of all those who entered
the portals of this hallowed institution. Hartley College, along with her
Sister-Colleges in the island could be reasonably proud of the great Missionary
and local educationists who by their scholarship, discipline and example
were able to send out to the service of the Church and in the public life
of the nation, many a man of intellectual brilliance and integrity of life,
always ready to seek the welfare of their fellow citizens. During the last
fifty years, the Past Pupils Association (Colombo Branch) has unstintingly
given its support and co-operation to maintain the rich tradition of the
College. We pray Gods richest blessings, not only on these historic events,
but also upon College and its devoted Past Pupils Association (Colombo
Branch) in the years to come, so that the spirit of FIAT LUX may inspire
them to fresh endeavours in Nation building and development.
Revd. Harold A. Fernando
President of Conference,
Methodist Church,
I have great pleasure in sending this message
to the souvenir that is being published to celebrate the Ter-Jubilee of
Hartley College and the Golden Jubilee of the Colombo Branch of the Past
Pupils Association of Hartley College. Over the past one hundred and fifty
years, Hartley College has served the nation by producing leading personalities
who have held high positions in the state and private sectors in the country.
Its alumnis contribution towards the development of the social, economical,
political and cultural life of our people is well recognised. During the
ethnic disturbances in the North, Hartleys library was burnt down, many
of its buildings and furniture destroyed, and finally the remaining buildings
were occupied by armed forces. The College attained a refugee status and
had to continue its activities in a village 2 miles away for the last five
years. The refugee status imposed on Hartley College by the armed forces,
however, did not affect the excellent contribution it has been making to
the community in the field of education. This had been possible due to
the commitment and dedication of the Principal and his team of teachers.
It is happy to note that the refugee status of Hartley College will end
soon and it will have new buildings in the old site. Due to the prevailing
situation in the region, the College could not celebrate the completion
of 150 years of its existence in a way the College deserves. However, the
Past Pupils Association of Colombo Branch decided that the event should
not go unmarked and organised this dinner. I have no doubt that the College
will continue with its good work, meeting the aspirations of our community.
I wish the Principal and his team of teachers success in their endeavour.
Vice Chancellor,
University of Jaffna.
Sri Lanka.
It gives me great happiness to write this message
on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Hartley College, Point Pedro,
and the 50th Anniversary of its Past Pupils in Colombo. I have read with
admiration the history of the progress of Hartley College. Hartley has
withstood many vicissitudes in its long life. Founded in 1838, for a brief
period in 1860 the College was closed down. In the year 1920, deprived
of funds by its Management, it funded itself and constructed additional
buildings and bought its own playground. It withstood a cyclone in 1962.
In recent years, it faced near annihilation. In 1984, the College Library
with its thousands of books and a few class rooms were burnt and the College
was forced to find alternative accommodation. The College was used later
as a military camp and a base for IPKF forces, and this year the buildings
have been formally handed back to the school authorities and Hartley College
now returns to its own home, which has been its habitation since the year
1875. What is amazing is, notwithstanding this recent set back, and despite
the tension and turmoil in the peninsula, true to its motto Fiat Lux,
Hartley College has held aloft the lighted torch of teaching and learning,
and has not failed in its duty to its students in their hour of need. And
your students, in keeping with Hartleys great traditions of learning and
scholarship, were able to attain an incredible performance in the 1988
GCE(O/L) Examination-14 pupils obtained distinctions in all the 8 subjects,
while 13 secured 7 distinctions each. Hartley College has reached 150 years
and is on its way to reach a double century. One must draw a distinction
between old age of human beings on the one hand, and of educational institutions
like Hartley College, on the other. In the case of mortals as the Holy
Bible puts it. The days of our years are three score years and ten; and
if by reason of strength they be four score years, yet is their labour
and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. But, an institution
grows and increases in strength and energy as the years go by. An Amercian
Judge, speaking to his friend, said Life grows more equable as one grows
older. After 80, the subsequent counting is simply a way of quieting down.
But a great College like Hartley has no right to be equable or to quiet
down. When a century and a half of valuable service comes to an end, your
College must proceed with renewed vigour upon another century of progress.
I wish Hartley College many more centuries of continued existence and of
further service to the cause of education of the young. All Past Pupils
Associations have one thing in common an intense loyalty to the Alma Mater
and a readiness to come to its assistance. Most loyalties are difficult
to explain. But, loyalty to ones College, it seems to me, is an exception.
As students, we are intensely loyal to the College and this intense loyalty
continues even after your College career is over, wherever you are, whoever
you are. The reason is not far to seek. Every past pupil has gained something
of value from his College for which he is grateful, and in return, he wants
to reciprocate by giving something back to his College. No doubt, Hartley
College has returned to its old habitation, but, it may be that many things
may have to be done before the place is made habitable. It is here, than
the Past Pupils Association can go forward and help. The Association has
completed its half century, and it too must proceed with renewed vigour
to reach a century in its life. My best wishes and good luck to the Association
as it proceeds on its journey.
^ Message from Hon. Justice Ananda Coomaraswamy
It gives me great pleasure in sending this message for publication in the
Souvenir to mark the Ter-Jubilee celebration of Hartley College and the
Golden Jubilee celebration of the Hartley College Past PupilsAssociation
(Colombo Branch). Souvenir is a tribute to the past and an expression of
grateful thanks to those who had untiringly laboured to make the Institution
great and to honour those who contributed to its greatness. An institution
can survive and progress or it can merely exist or it may cease to exist.
Hartley College progressed very well every year from its inception in 1838
until the ethnic disturbance in 1983. On 01-09-84 a calamity overtook us
resulting in the damage and destruction of the College building. One wondered
whether that was the end of the College. With the damage to the building
all hopes of survival were shattered. Five years ago the very existence
of the College was in doubt. However, the Principal, staff and students
with grim determination took the challenge. They moved two miles interior
and with improvised structures continued Hartley College with poorer facilities
that before. Nevertheless, the progress was much better. Hartley College
has now completed One Hundred and Fifty Years and this event could not
be celebrated due to the prevailing situation particularly, in that part
of the country. But events of this nature should not go unnoticed. Hartley
College Past PupilsAssociation (Colombo Branch) had taken up privilege
of celebrating it along with its own Golden Jubilee celebration. We, on
this occasion, can boldly say that we stood the test of time and wish the
College, Principal, staff and students many more years of prosperity and
service to humanity and to the society.
Judge of the Court of Appeal.
Vice President - H.C.P.P.A. (Colombo Branch)
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